It has been a hot minute since I last put up a blog post.
About two months ago I started working full time in a dream role - it's creative and I work with the best team - but my time to write on my little corner of the internet has dwindled, as I expected and accepted it would. As I've settled into the job and found a little more routine when it comes to a few smaller jobs I'm continuing as a freelancer, I've found the time I have left is spent with friends and family and before I know it weeks have passed and I've not picked up the camera to film or opened my laptop to blog.
Eager not to lose the source of so much creativity from the past few years, I'll be blogging and filming when the time feels right and I have something to say or photos to share - very natural with little schedule, so bare with me. But, that's the where I've been and why over with! I'll quickly get your up to speed on a few goings on.
May and June were full of beaut weather (which is continuing now, HELLO heatwave!) and fun weekends, so I wanted to share a few snaps with you from the last few weeks or so. I'm jetting off to Mallorca on Sunday, so I'll have all the summer, packing and holiday vibes for you v soon.

One hot sunny Sunday was spent celebrating birthdays at Henry's house. After al falling in love with a life changing cake (it's not dramatic, it's true.) at a party in February, I got in touch with the lovely Mary Ann, who made the cake to get a surprise one made for Jo and Jasmin's birthdays. It went down very well and we were all pretty satisfied with our carrot cake fix afterwards!

Eager not to lose the source of so much creativity from the past few years, I'll be blogging and filming when the time feels right and I have something to say or photos to share - very natural with little schedule, so bare with me. But, that's the where I've been and why over with! I'll quickly get your up to speed on a few goings on.
May and June were full of beaut weather (which is continuing now, HELLO heatwave!) and fun weekends, so I wanted to share a few snaps with you from the last few weeks or so. I'm jetting off to Mallorca on Sunday, so I'll have all the summer, packing and holiday vibes for you v soon.
The first weekend in May was a looong, hot one. We drank gin catching up with friends, sat around the fire pit until the early hours toasting marshmallows, ate a damn good lunch at Henry's grandma's house and relaxed in the hammock to get some shade. Dreamy and so chilled.

One hot sunny Sunday was spent celebrating birthdays at Henry's house. After al falling in love with a life changing cake (it's not dramatic, it's true.) at a party in February, I got in touch with the lovely Mary Ann, who made the cake to get a surprise one made for Jo and Jasmin's birthdays. It went down very well and we were all pretty satisfied with our carrot cake fix afterwards!
The start of June meant one month until mine and Henry's first holiday, so there's been a lot of organising going on this month. It also saw trips to Mercato Metropolitano, an amazing street food place near London Bridge - gin from Jim and Tonic and prawn Pad Thai was a winning combo for me - but it's got anything and everything you could possibly want + there's a photobooth which I'm always a sucker for.
I decided it was time to bring back the blonde for Summer and I'm so happy with it. I'm always torn between going back to dark brown, my natural colour but every time Summer rolls around I just want it to be bright and beachy.

The sale of our Grandma's house finally went through and we said goodbye to the home that had been in our family for over 60 years. My mum cut some of my Auntie's favourite flowers from the garden before she left - it had flowered just in time - a nice surprise left on my desk when I arrived home from work that evening. They're delicate, beautiful and smell incredible.
and that's a little round up of the last two months for ya! I felt like I needed to get you to speed before I dived on in with holiday posts. It's been a real shift for me, but I couldn't be happier and I look forward to fitting in my time to write, photograph and edit when I can. Quality over quantity.
I found time to pick up the camera and vlog, too. Have a watch.
I found time to pick up the camera and vlog, too. Have a watch.
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