One of my favourite posts to write, my little positivity log that makes me take a minute to reflect on the moments, big or little, that made my week a little sweeter.
1. Working hard for something I'd really like to achieve, but also realising the hard work won't be wasted if it's doesn't work out.
2. Daffodils in the shops and little snow drops starting to pop up in patches of woodland. Very early, but hopeful signs of Spring.
3. A chilled weekend after endless weekends of celebrations since November. Called for sleepy mornings, relaxed evenings and comfy clothes.
4. Turning to the last page of my first book of the year.
5. Friends on Netflix. Need I say more?
6. Learning so much on a Jessops photography course on Friday. I left feeling very inspired and excited to see what I could create with my new knowledge. I also love that classes like this bring together the most random group of people, and apart from having photography in common, you end up finding so many things to chat about. We're not as different as we all think!
7. Reaching out to someone I'd love to work with on the off chance they'll agree and getting a YES back!
8. Bubble baths. I could count the amount of baths I've had in the past 5 years on one hand, but this year I realised just how relaxing they are and plan to make time for one each week.
9. A super fun shoot day with Ems for her portfolio. Arctic conditions, sassy snaps and some serious cry laughing.
10. Still feeling the 'new year' positivity vibes.
What's made you happy recently?
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