Monday 30 November 2015


I had the BEST birthday ever. 
I was surrounded by my incredible friends and family the whole time and I can not express just how much I love them all. I received lovely messages, beautiful cards and such wonderful gifts that yesterday, albeit in a sliiightly hungover state, I got very emotional about how kind and lovely all the people in my life are. If any of you are reading this, I love you & thank you thank you thank you!
I won't ramble on, because I could definitely still cry a lot about how fantastic they all are, the wonderful memories and the fun times. 

So, 21... let's do this!

Friday 27 November 2015

Party Planning On A Budget!

Tomorrow is my 21st birthday! 
t w e n t y - f r e a k i n g - o n e !
As you probably know, I'm a student and doing things on a budget is a regular occurrence in my current lifestyle. So, when it came to deciding what to do for my birthday I knew it had to be within a budget! Being me, I wanted a full on party where I could celebrate with all of my friends and family and drink and dance the night away!

So here are some of my tips to planning a party on a budget!

- Look for free venues! I was surprised to see that here in Brighton, there were a number of lovely venues that were free to hire! Some venues allowed me to hire a section for my party with a limited number, some venues let you hire the whole thing and some venues, obviously do charge to hire the space. The price of venues can vary massively, so do your research.

- Start Early! I cant stress this one enough! I missed out on a few great venues because I started my search that little too late, especially as my birthday is right at the start of christmas party season.

- Decorations. I suggest looking on Ebay and Etsy before you go to your local party shop. You can get lovely decorations for a lot cheaper online. I ordered these from Ebay and had them delivered to my local Argos. Simple, easy and fuss free and they look really pretty. I also found some beautiful decorations in the Oliver Bonas sale, they were such a steal!

- You don't want hungry guests! This was where the money started to tot up unfortunately. If you're using a venue (which if you're a student is likely, student flats aren't ideal for fancy parties!) they would either want you to buy food off their menu or not to have any. My venue serves Indian Street food, I asked the venue what the best food for group was on their menu, luckily they had some platters that were ideal for sharing. I've ordered a number of those to have on the tables, as I didn't want to provide nothing. This way you've given your some little bites, but they can order more food at the bar if they're hungry!

Have you got anymore tips for party planning on a budget?
Let me know!


Wednesday 25 November 2015

Easy Curls Tutorial // Perfect For Thick & Frizzy Hair

For this weeks video, I thought I'd share with you how I create my go-to curls! I'm completely obsessed with this look at the moment and it's so darn quicky and easy to do.

As always, if you enjoyed this video, don't forget to Like & SUBSCRIBE so my new video pops into your Subscriptions Box every Wednesday! 

Let me know if you recreate this look, I'd love to see! 


Monday 23 November 2015

Violence in Schools :: Learn Without Fear

Imagine you're 15 years old, still growing, still developing, still learning. 
Imagine one of the safest places you can be has become a place of fear, terror and danger.
Imagine waking up every morning, dreading seeing that one teacher, that group of boys or that man who comments and stares as you pass him everyday.
Imagine being robbed of your childhood.

There are millions of girls who don't have to imagine this, it's their life on a daily basis.  

I know I like to keep Love On The Wall a place for happiness, but Plan UK asked me to talk about a very serious issue and I really wanted to spread awareness and find some ways we can help.

This school year, 246 million children will be affected by violence at school worldwide. 
Worldwide, 62 million girls don't go to school - violence is one of the reasons why. In the UK, 60% of girls ages 13 to 21 reported sexual harassment at school or college and more than 5,500 alleged sex crimes and 600 rapes in schools were reported to the police in the last three years.

This video below speaks not a thousand, but a million words. This is what real girls are experiencing in their terrifyingly, very real, everyday lives.

What are Plan doing to help?

- Plan have launched a 'Because I am a girl' campaign which helps ensure girls can access a safe and quality education all over the world.
- They've set up child protection communities in schools in Kenya & Zimbabwe, where children and staff can report any concerns.
- Ensuring girls have a voice. In Uganda they have supported girls to go to parliament and talk to their MP's on how to stop violence and discrimination.
- Running workshops for boys and men to teach them about the importance of treating girls with respect.

What can I do to help? Us girls have gotta stand up for each other!

 Just click here to go to their donation page, you can choose between monthly donations or a one off donation. Absolutely anything you can give will help! Heres a few things that your kind donations will help towards...
£5 a month could train community workers in Bangladesh to register births. This means girls can prove their age and claim their rights.
£9.40 a month could help 10 girls a year have access to ChildLine Kenya.
£96 could provide a three month scholarship to a girl in El Salvador that will allow her to earn her own income. 

You can sign up to join Plan's campaign to stand up for girls around the world and to say no to violence.

Speak out if you are in danger. Look out for friends who you feel could be unsafe. Talk to responsible adults. Don't keep inappropriate behaviour, from bullying to sexual harassment, a secret in fear of the repercussions, it will be a lot worse if you keep things to yourself. Don't let them win.

Every girl has the right to Learn Without Fear.

If you'd like to learn more out this campaign, click here to go to Plan's 'Learn Without Fear' page.



Wednesday 18 November 2015

Relaxing Evening Routine

My Relaxing Evening Routine when live on my channel this afternoon, see how I switch off and chill out on a relaxing evening in! 

SUBSCRIBE to see a new video in your subscription box every WEDNESDAY! 

What do you do to relax?


Monday 16 November 2015

Favourite Things {three}

I really loved this shot taken by Henry when we were shooting for my Autumn Lookbook.
I feel like I need to have a little blog brainstorm. I've got lots of ideas milling about in my brain, but they're all things that take a lot of planning, creating, shooting and editing. Sometimes I need some blog posts that are a little more effortless, but the same quality. That's why I enjoy writing these posts, I get to look back on my week and pick out happy moments and I don't have to wait for the right weird Autumn lighting to write it... 

- Having a few days away. Last week I stayed with Henry's family whilst he's been on tour. I've been filming the tour for Saltlake, so it was a great excuse to get out of Brighton for a few days. I got the chance to see some of my family, get some country air, sit in front of the fire place and really relax. (not for too long though, the moment it hit gig o'clock and I was out the door with the camera in my hand!) 

- Realisation. I need to put my laptop down. As a student and a blogger/youtuber, I spend a hell of a  lot of time starting at screens. Not only that, but then in my spare time I'll open my laptop and browse online stores, watch YouTube videos or scroll through twitter. Then I might pick my phone and check Instagram. Then I'll possibly pop the TV on to catch up on some new shows. My eyes start to ache and I realise just how long I've been starting at the same screen... Screens, screens, screens. You may be confused as to why this is in a good things post, but I'm quite happy that I've realised that it has all got a little too much. I'm excited at the prospect of switching off the electronics and finding some hobbies that don't make my eyes ache!

- Chunky knitted jumpers. Like wearing a hug. 

- Christmas Adverts. I'm sorry, I know this is an unpopular opinion, but I'm looooving the Christmas adverts. John Lewis had me in tears and Sainsbury's was just super cute. Just waiting for the Coca Cola Christmas Advert and then you're actually allowed to get excited...

What are some of your favourite things? ♥  


Wednesday 11 November 2015

Autumn Lookbook

It's finally finished, My Autumn Look Book! 
It was important to me that everything featured in the LookBook was affordable, especially as I'm a student which can mean money can be tight at times, so all these shops are high street stores and nothing I'm wearing is pricey! Have a little look in the description box for all the outfit details.

Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE so my videos pop into your subscription box every WEDNESDAY!



Monday 9 November 2015

Autumn Loves

There's so many reason as to why I love Autumn...
Apologies for the leaf overload, but leaving the city for a bit and heading back home was breathtaking. Autumn holds so much beauty. 

Crunchy leaves lining the pavements.
Carving Pumpkins, the smell reminds me of my childhood, all the nostalgia.
Salted Caramel Everything.
Fresh, crisp, chilly days with the sun shining.
Gnawing (or nearly breaking your teeth) on toffee apples.
Sipping on Hot Chocolates.
Splashes of red, orange, green and yellow dotting the tops of the trees.
Pumpkin Spice Everything.
Having an excuse to light all your candles.
Chunky knitted hats & oversized scarves.
Rainy days being the perfect excuse for cosy, lazy days.
Finding conkers.
Perfect sweater/cuddle weather.
Muddy wellington boots piled by the door after a long, chilly walk.
Fun with sparklers.
Apple and blackberry crumble, with blackberries you picked on a walk, of course.
The exciting lead up to Christmas.

Do you love Autumn? Tell me why!

All photos taken on the Olympus Pen E-PL7 with a 45mm lens.

Friday 6 November 2015

Suede & Stripes

If you see me around anytime soon, the chances are I'll be wearing this suede skirt or stripey shirt... or  most likely, both. The top is the perfect 'everyday' top, it's super comfortable and just the right length to hang nicely over jeans or tuck into a pretty skirt. Enter this Suede beauty. I fell in love with this skirt so much that I went back to buy it in black too. Both the top & skirt are from Primark, so they're also incredibly affordable, together they're under £15! I've paired them with my oversized scarf from Accessorize and Chelsea boots from ASOS. 

Top - Primark
Suede Skirt - Primark
Oversized Scarf (similar)- Accessorise
Chelsea Boots (similar) - ASOS
Bag - Oasis
Skull Bracelet - Bohemian Vixen
Watch - Floozie by Frost at Debenhams


As well as this being an outfit post, I just wanted to talk about the place I took these photos, on the beach, my happy place. One of my favourite things to do is take myself off to the beach to clear my head. I love to go alone so I can just focus on my own thoughts and shut the world out a little. Sometimes I take my camera, but I stay off my phone and social media whilst I'm there, as I do find it difficult to switch off from it sometimes. It's the perfect time to zone out from that internet bubble. 

Where is your happy place?


Wednesday 4 November 2015

October Favourites

My October Favourites! I thought I'd share a few of my favourite moments from October on here...

Taking in Autumn. Living in a city, you really don't see the seasons change. The moment I go back home suddenly something is so different, sometimes the trees have no leaves, sometimes they're full of blossom, but this time it was just a sea of fiery red, orange and yellow surrounding me. I grabbed my camera and took hundreds of photos, it was so incredibly beautiful and really nice to have some time snapping in the fresh air. 

Having a girls day. My lovely friend Lucy came to visit me in Brighton the other day for some much needed girl time. It was such a fun day bounding around Btown in the sunshine. We sipped coffees, devoured chocolate cake and laughed non-stop. We even had to hold hands to pretend we were a lesbian couple in a video about Tinder & STI's... (Yep, real life goals right there!) 

What was your favourite moment in October? 

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