Friday, 10 October 2014

o u t f i t {one}

I've recently discovered the App 'Polyvore'. Perfect for procrastinating (which is mainly when I use it...) and perfect for picking the best outfits out! 

It's fast becoming a new favourite of mine! But it's dangerous for the bank balance, with links to where everything can be purchased... 

These are a few of the looks I've created whilst not working, not sleeping or maybe not listening... ooops! 
r a i n y d a y

C i n e m a  D a t  e

b l a c k o n b l a c k 

D a t e N i g h t 

L e a t h e r J & J e a n s

R o c k M e 

b l a c k a n d g o l d 

L e t s G o B o w l i n g

Check out my profile here.

I'm off to do some shopping... haha! 


  1. In love with every single outfit, particularly the third one!!

    1. ah thanks! It's addictive and very dangerous for the bank account... but I'd recommend getting it! xx

  2. All your outfit designs are right up my street... Especially number one xxxx


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